Chicora is a Columbia, South
Carolina public, non-profit heritage
preservation organization founded in
1983. Our work includes
archaeological and historical
research throughout the Southeastern
United States, public education
(primarily right here in South
Carolina), and work in conservation
and preservation with museums,
libraries, archives, historic
organizations, and private citizens.
With years of experience and
hundreds of projects, we are a
leader in preservation efforts.
Our website is constantly growing
and by the end of 2017 had nearly 400 pdf documents available for
downloading -- representing nearly
2.5GB of data available to the
public. That's what makes Chicora
unique among heritage preservation
organizations nationwide! |
11/2018 |
Chicora is
investigating the
colonial Warner Hall
Cemetery in
Gloucester, Virginia |
10/2018 |
Investigations at
Mullet Hall on Johns
Island, Charleston
County, SC have been
completed. Work
there included the
recovery of in-floor
storage pits
associated with
enslaved colonial
African Americans |
10/2018 |
Chicora has explored
African American
life on the Lower
Cape Fear in a
recent Research
Contribution |